TITOLO Funzione per gestire agevolmente le Pop-Up in javascript
OGGETTO Funzione per gestire agevolmente le Pop-Up in javascript

<script language = "javascript">

var propup = function(o) {
o.url = (typeof o.url == 'undefined') ? 'http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2007/09/21/complete-javascript-popup-opener/' : o.url;
o.width = (typeof o.width == 'undefined') ? screen.width/2 : o.width;
o.height = (typeof o.height == 'undefined') ? screen.height/2 : o.height;
o.xpos = (typeof o.xpos == 'undefined') ? (screen.width/2)-(o.width/2) : o.xpos;
o.ypos = (typeof o.ypos == 'undefined') ? (screen.height/2)-(o.height/2) : o.ypos;
o.xoffset = (typeof o.xoffset == 'undefined') ? 0 : o.xoffset;
o.yoffset = (typeof o.yoffset == 'undefined') ? 0 : o.yoffset;
o.name = (typeof o.name == 'undefined') ? 'propup' : o.name;
o.scrollbars = (typeof o.scrollbars == 'undefined') ? 'no' : o.scrollbars;
o.resizable = (typeof o.resizable == 'undefined') ? 'no' : o.resizable;
o.status = (typeof o.status == 'undefined') ? 'no' : o.status;
o.locat = (typeof o.locat == 'undefined') ? 'no' : o.locat;
o.toolbar = (typeof o.toolbar == 'undefined') ? 'no' : o.toolbar;

if(o.xpos == "left"){o.xpos=0;}
if(o.xpos == "right"){o.xpos = screen.width-o.width;}

if(o.ypos == "top"){o.ypos=0;}
if(o.ypos == "bottom"){o.ypos = screen.height-o.height;}

o.xpos += o.xoffset
o.ypos += o.yoffset

var scrollbarstext = 'scrollbars = '+o.scrollbars+",";
var resizabletext = 'resizable = '+o.resizable+",";
var statustext = 'status = '+o.status+",";
var locationtext = 'location = '+o.locat+",";
var toolbartext = 'toolbar = '+o.toolbar+",";

features = scrollbarstext+resizabletext+statustext;
features = features + locationtext+toolbartext;
features = features + 'width = '+o.width+',height = '+o.height;
features = features + ',top = ' + o.ypos;
features = features + ',left = ' + o.xpos;

var win = null;
win = window.open(o.url, o.name, features);


<li><a href = "javascript:propup({});">Default popup</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({url:'http://www.google.com/',name:'pop1'});">Opening Google</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({width:700,height:200,name:'pop2'});">700x200 popup</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({width:0.3,height:200,name:'_blank'});">30%x200 popup</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({xpos:'right',ypos:'bottom',name:'_blank'});">Popup in the right bottom end of the screen</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({xpos:'right',xoffset:-100,name:'_blank'});">Popup 100 pixels far from the right end of the screen</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({scrollbars:'yes',name:'_blank'});">Popup with scrollbars</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({resizable:'yes',name:'_blank'});">Resizable popup</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({status:'yes',name:'_blank'});">Popup with status bar</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({locat:'yes',name:'_blank'});">Popup location bar</a></li>
<li><a href = "javascript:propup({toolbar:'yes',name:'_blank'});">Popup with toolbar</a></li>